Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Eighteen Months Old!
I made a list of the words she knows and can use, and the list is well over 100! I'll probably publish them later (like I did for Wyatt at 16 months), but the words run the gamut from knowing and saying all the parts of her body (fingers is the latest), to about 10 different animals and what they say, to regular conversational words, and of course, different types of clothing!
We had her half birthday celebration this year, just like we did for Wyatt at one and a half. The thing that stands out to me the most about the differences between them is the hair! Wyatt has always had this thick head of hair, and Reese's hair is just gradually coming in.
She cracks me up everyday with the little things she does. When she and Wyatt sit at the table together at lunch or breakfast they have little "conversations." These conversations mostly go like this:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
More Weekend Fun!

Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Zoo!
We haven't been able to check in on the baby giraffe since he was born a few months ago, and he has gotten really big. This time he was even separated from his Mommy. We got there late in the day, so a lot of the animals were going in for the night! Wyatt and Reese both thought the baby giraffe was "cute."
This was the first time that we let Reese walk with us around the zoo. Wyatt started walking with us at 12 months, but with two of them it just gets so hard sometimes! She really loved being able to walk, and she definitely let us know when she wasn't happy about being in the stroller. I can totally tell that she approaching (this Thursday!) her 18 month "birthday." I've noticed with my kids that they become a little more "difficult" around their half birthdays. It's happened to Wyatt, and now I can see it approaching with Reese. Anything I ask her gets a response of "no," and she's starting to throw a few temper tantrums. Fortunately, Wyatt's birthday is approaching, and I'm noticing that he's getting a little easier to handle.
The lion family was out getting some sun yesterday. I was beyond happy when Wyatt became concerned about where the Mommy Lion was. He kept asking and asking and we finally found her when we went to a different spot. Of course, the only reason we had to move was because of the family next to us. You seriously would have thought they were taking pictures for National Geographic the way they were talking about lighting and screaming out lions' names. I'm not kidding when I say that every member of the family (including the kids) had their own digital camera.
The zoo set up this cage for the "wild animal" children. Wyatt had a lot of fun standing in the cage pretending to be a monkey...until the same family of kids came and starting swinging from the top of the cage like actual monkeys.

Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Sod is Coming! The Sod is Coming!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Girls' Night!

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Weekend Half Time Report
This morning we went on a Target run and they were out of Reese's diapers! I never used any "store brands" with Wyatt, but I started using the Up & Up Target brand with Reese over the summer and fell in love! We went to our favorite Target, which is farther away from the house, but we'll probably go to the closer store tomorrow to see if they have the Target brand. But I guess I'll take some Pampers coupons just in case!
We spent the rest of the day hanging out at home. I was in major pain after picking Wyatt up (I pulled a muscle in my arm and it's killing me). I know Brian thinks I'm being dramatic, but I've had major abdominal surgery twice...and this hurts more. I couldn't do anything all day. Except watch 16 and Pregnant. I swear I don't watch MTV anymore, except that I do. But only to watch 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. Such good shows (for being trash TV).
I've seen the "ad" for this free canvas on a few blogs now and I decided to do it today. I was scouring through our pictures, from our wedding and the kids, and I couldn't decide. There are a few things to consider, like how the picture will look when the canvas gets wrapped, and that excluded some pictures that I liked. I finally decided to get this picture canvased (is that a word?):
The first time that Wyatt and Reese met! I think it's so precious, and it says a ton about the two of them (especially the shiner that Wyatt is rocking about his eye). When the canvas comes in I'll be sure to give a review.
Going through the pictures was also helpful because I have a hair appointment Wednesday and I'm trying to decide what to do!
I really like the longer layers in this one, and I like the color,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Brain Dump
Her bangs are my current nemesis. She desperately needs them trimmed (and I really wanted to get it done when I got Wyatt's cut on Monday), but Brian disagrees. For now I'm able to pull them back into her pigtails or ponytail, but I don't know how long that will last. If Brian has his way she'll end up getting her first hair cut at Disney World like her big brother when we go back this December! I'm willing to give it a shot, but I reserve the right to change my mind...even if it was precious and he did get his own set of ears that say "First Haircut" on the back!
The moving in is going well, we're starting to get more organized. One thing that is driving me NUTS though is the fact that the only paint used in the house was "Builder's grade." Basically, they put a light white primer on the wall. But it can't be cleaned, it has to be painted over. So anytime a mark gets on the wall my only option is to paint over it! So frustrating! This entire house will probably be repainted within the year.
Other than that, not much is going on. I switched to three longer days at work this week (instead of my 4 short half days), and it was kind of nice having a lunch today. Like a whole 45 minutes to myself. Tomorrow I'm supposed to start working out during lunch. Yeah. Brian is also back to his 5 day work weeks this week, which was the main reason for my switch. Brian has been staying with the kids on Fridays, but since he's working again he won't be able to. And there isn't really any other option because no one is available to watch them on Fridays.
Eventually they'll both be in school, but I don't like the idea of sending them anywhere (especially Reese) when they're still so small as long as working part time is an option. Sending Wyatt to preschool next year is a huge step, and it's mainly for socialization, which is why he's only going two days a week. Somebody at work asked me why he was only going two days a week next year, and I just about had a fit! He's only three, and he's not going to Harvard when he's four! He already knows his shapes, colors and letters. Two days a week is plenty for him to hang out with his buddies and learn new things. He'll go more the next year, and every day when he's 5! I only get so much time to hang out with him before he's in school everyday, and I want to make the most of it. Plus I think it will be great for Reese to get some one on one attention next year while he's in school.
Anyway, I've got to get the kids to bed, and American Idol is on tonight. Last night I already enjoyed Ellen being on the show. Now if they could just get rid of that awful Kara...

Monday, February 8, 2010
Big Boy!
After all that excitement, we stopped by his pre-school to drop off his registration for school next year. He was really excited to walk in the school, and then he rushed to the classroom that he will be in next year. He made a bee line for the toys, and then walked around the room checking things out. The train table didn't have any trains on it and he said, "What did the kids do with the trains, Mom?" He seemed really excited to be there and see where he was going to be going next year.
Neither of them took very good naps today and Wyatt stayed up until 10 last night (he had a friend here for the Super Bowl party too!), so he started asking me to put his pajamas on at like 5! I was gearing up for and early night, but that didn't really happen! He ended up snuggled up in the couch with Monkey and Buzz watching Dinosaur Train....