In case you missed it...Halloween was two months ago. I am going to try to get better at this blogging thing because I love being able to look back on the bigger kids when they were little - and I have become a massive slacker lately. But I suppose Instagram and Facebook are easier places to share life events now!
Now that Finley is in preschool, she finally gets to be a part of the school programs. It rained for her first Pumpkin Patch Parade, making it more of a Pumpkin Patch in Pre-K. But she practiced her songs and rocked her "Witch's Brew."
We went to hang out with Doc McStuffins in her class party for a little bit. She loves a party!
As always, Reese has her own Halloween style. Orange and black sparkles everywhere!
Hudson's Pre-K class is full of Pumpkin Patch Parade pros. My person favorite was the "one little, two little, three little witches, flying on their brooms and jumping over ditches," complete with Hudson's really great little leaps. He was smooth!
We had two Disney Junior "stars" and two Star Wars characters for Halloween. Hudson was a great Miles from Tomorrowland. Once his birthday came the next week, he was able to complete the costume with a blast board and a comquest. He was VERY excited!
Reese's softball team played their final game on Halloween, so they dressed up in costumes. She was a softball playing vampire, but couldn't keep the teeth in. These girls were undefeated all season! Reesie hit her stride at the plate and found that she really enjoys catching. She can't wait to get back on the field!
We were able to Trick or Treat with Colin and Piper this year because he had a late baseball game nearby. These six had a lot of fun running from house to house - even though Finley doesn't look impressed!
And to ease the pain of Halloween being over, we left on our 2015 Disney Vacation the next morning!