Friday, April 17, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game Too!

Reese is so big now! She likes her time by herself with Mommy and Daddy every night after her brother goes to bed. She gets to play and talk to us before I feed her and put her to bed. She was doing so well sleeping through the night last weekend, but she started waking up around 3:00 the last 3 nights. Since I'm off for the next few nights I think I'll let her cry it out this weekend. I am not going to have an eight month old who doesn't sleep through the night!

She is so close to crawling, but she doesn't want to be on her stomach long enough to actually try. I'm in no rush for her to be mobile (then I'm outnumbered by moving toddlers), but I do want her to reach her developmental milestones!

Her sleeper says "Daddy is it game time yet." Yes, it's a boy's sleeper, but I put her bow on to pretty it up!
Look at those baby blues!

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