Sunday, June 5, 2011

First Waterpark Trip!

On Wednesday I took the kids to the waterpark!  It was this guy's first trip to see Daddy at work (during the summer).

I know Brian thought I was nuts to take all three kids alone!  He comes out to visit and spends time with us, but he can't be totally hands on because he's working.  I have to say that the three of them were so good.  Wyatt is a pretty good listener, but Reese is still in that defiant stage.  She's not a big fan of listening!
I feel like this is what she did the whole time!  For some reason she was such a little scaredy cat.  She wanted nothing to do with the slides - but she's already jumped off my parents diving board!

The kids were really excited to check out some of the new things at the waterpark this year.  One thing that they love is this new water play section. The bucket dumps every few minutes - and that scares Wyatt and Reese a bit. They have tons of fun when water isn't dumping out, but they aren't fan of water in their eyes!

Having fun! (He did get caught under the bucket!)

This was more up my little Reesie's alley that day!

Hudson LOVED these little bouncy swings!

Brothers having fun!
 Hudson took some time away from swinging to visit with Daddy when he came out.  He loves his Daddy so much!  Not just because he's got him in the palm of his hand either (but he totally does).

I am so excited to take them back some more this summer!  They have a ton of fun, and seeing Brian is such a big bonus!

1 comment:

  1. From the pictures, the renovations look awesome! Do they have a lot of stuff for the little ones? Hunter and I might have to check it out this summer. :]
