Now onto June's Little Things. They're a bit easier to remember!
Reese got her 17th reader at school. She was so bummed that she didn't make it to 20!
Reese got her 17th reader at school. She was so bummed that she didn't make it to 20!
When it was time for the Regional High School baseball tournament, Brian and Wyatt decided to go. The quarterfinals involved the high school that Wyatt will go to versus the school that Brian's dad played for. And the school that Brian played for was playing the school my brother played for! It was a fun time for them to go watch some baseball!
Watching the semifinal regional game! He had a strong reaction to a call by the umpire!
Just a girl, hanging out, playing leap pad!
Wacky Wednesday at school! She had this ensemble picked out for a week before her party! I think mismatched shoes, mismatched socks, pajama pants, a tutu, and four bows is pretty stinking wacky. And cute!
She wrote her own thank you notes to her teachers!
Watching the College World Series, and we noticed a Louisville player using the same bat as Wyatt (but bigger!). He was excited to see "Attack" on the big screen!
Mondays in summertime mean "Daddy's Day off." And ice cream.
Sleepy Huddoo. Noticing a pattern?
The World Cup and the Olympics inspire them to look at this map constantly. "Where Uruguay? Where's Brazil?"
I drove 45 minutes to a baseball game, and then this happened. We turned around and came home....
and found out we lost power.

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