July...it always comes in with the excitement of SUMMER and ends with me huddled in a corner counting down the days until school starts. Just kidding! (Kind of).
FQB got new pajamas, and wanted to send a picture to Daddy.
Brian came across a Target ad and saw these chairs and mentioned that they were on sale and I should look at them. That wasn't a coincidence. Ha! My parents were selling their house and I inherited their dining room table, but we were looking for new chairs and a bench. SOLD!
I (spent an entire day) deep cleaned the boys' bedroom. They were pretty happy with the end result, and I was very happy that it was DONE. And they've done a semi-decent job keeping it clean since then!
These two are best buddies. Last night we went to hang out with my family and my sister told Finley that she was coming to live at her house. Finley didn't cry about leaving me or Daddy. She cried because she would miss her Jete-Jete.
At our final tournament of All Star season. Aidan was ready to pitch, and Wyatt loves being behind the plate.
And the sky that night was perfection!
We spent some time practicing this girl's letters.
We were back at the fields the next night, and the sky put on another great show. These boys played their hearts off that night and lost in a heartbreaker. But it was a great game.
Huddy Buddy was exhausted from the late games.
We had swim lessons and then dropped Wyatt off at the waterpark for some fun with his friends. Hudson was screaming that he needed to go to the bathroom, so we did something that we could only do for a few more days: stop at Didi and Pop Pop's house.
He peed in the backyard, and they took a few final jumps off the diving board at the house.
Wyatt had a double header one Sunday and didn't realize that he lost a tooth until we were home!
Reesie went to a three day Dogs & Cat art camp. She had so much fun learning new art techniques!
There was some Home Run Derby watching. They love to have popcorn and watch baseball.
We went to support our local children's hospital at a lemonade stand. Finley loved her green lemonade.
Reese participated in a 2 week summer enrichment program for the school system. It was a really neat opportunity to explore topics and how they relate together in language arts, math, science, and history. She had one of her best friends in class with her, so that made it extra fun.
At the end of her two week course, the parents were invited to come in and see what they had been learning about. They had lots of fun showing off their new knowledge about math and science, especially since some of the things they covered were "sixth grade topics."
Reesie has been begging me for awhile to paint her boring brown room. It truly was boring. The beige color was great for Hudson's baby room, but wasn't so awesome for her room. We went to Home Depot and chose the colors, and she helped with some of the painting. We even added a little glitter to the pink wall. She loves it and is doing a great job keeping it clean.
Wyatt spent the last week of July at soccer camp at a local college. It was the hottest week of the year, but he was a champ. It was a really great week full of learning about soccer and lots of fun. He LOVED his coach, who is playing for the college this fall. The top picture is his team..the bottom pictures are some action shots that were taken by the camp photographer.
And that's a wrap on July.