Thursday, November 18, 2010

General Updates...

I've been missing, but it's not because the kids are keeping me crazy busy (although they are). Brian was in Orlando from Monday morning until last night and he took my computer with him. But Hudson has kind of taken center stage on the blog lately, and it occurred to me that I've left out a few things about the other two...

is a super star. We had our parent teacher conference at his school two days before Hudson was born, and we are so pleased with his progress! He's doing very well in academically, but he is also doing a great job socially (which was my main area of concern since he's never been out of the home before). His teacher actually said that he is one of her leaders in the classroom, which probably made me the happiest. You can call him QB if you want.
His last soccer game was the night that Hudson was born. I'm not sure that he'll be able to make it through the winter without some sort of sports activity, so we're thinking about signing him up for basketball.

Turned a week old last Friday. Here us a picture of him at 10:17 when he turned a week old. He is doing an amazing job breast feeding, an even better job sleeping, and he's had great head control since the day he was born. Hudson is just such a blessing, and we all love him to pieces!

Is literally developing a bigger, more exuberant personality every day. We know her well. And then she almost adds another layer to who she is. She is sweet, she is loving, she is also a bit of a leader, she is bossy, she is competitive and she is very particular. And with all of that complexity - we love her to bits! She is the best big and little sister ever!
For starters - this ensemble was put together by Daddy. The leggings are a little short, so they usually get paired with boots. But she was going outside to run, so we went with sneakers. This hands on the hips pose? All her lately. That's usually how she stands when she's bossing us around!

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