Like I said in the post about Mother's Day, Wyatt is starting to have a lot of fun playing with Colin. The day that we took him to see Piper, the boys went outside and were running around all over the place! They played soccer and then came inside and played with John Deere trucks.
Brian told Colin that there is a picture of him that Wyatt always picks up. It's one of Wyatt's favorites because it has Daddy in it and Colin as well. He carries it around and I'm pretty sure we're a few weeks away from some form of "Colin" to come out of Wyatt's mouth because he loves his big cousin. When we told Colin how much his little cousin loves his picture his face got bright red and he said "Aw shucks!" It was so cute.
Here's a picture of the boys hanging out last week!
John Deere trucks bring boys together. And yes, that's another yellow lab!
It is nice to see them starting to interact with each other more. Colin enjoys the fact that Wyatt is beginning to talk and he can walk around everywhere. He will love it when he can say his name.