Sunday, January 25, 2009

Five Months Old!

Reese is five months old now! I can't believe how big she is...or that she's bigger than her brother was at the same age. She's "talking" even more now than she was a month ago. She actually plays with her little toys and loves to reach out and grab my hair! She's got another cold (her first since she was 2 weeks old), that's causing some congestion and sleep issues. It's not helped by the fact that she's teething now too. Her first little tooth will probably push through some time in the next month. Dr. Jones said family patterns are pretty good indications of teething, and she's definitely following Wyatt!

By the time Wyatt was 5 months old I was already supplementing his breast milk with formula, which is something I probably won't have to do for Reese. Working only half days definitely helps because Wyatt's problem was that he ended up liking his bottle so much, and that's definitely not a problem with Reese. She only takes a bottle if she has too!

She's showing signs that she'll start sitting up on her own soon, and she's enjoying her exersaucer more and more. When she cries we have a surefire technique to calm her down...Daddy sings her the Kiss song "Beth." I'm not sure what it is about Brian's voice but he used to be able to calm Wyatt down with the Gilligan's Island song! Reese loves to watch her brother move around the room, and he loves to make her laugh. I'm really looking forward to watching them grow up together!

Here she is this morning with her Minnie Mouse at 10:07 when she officially hit 5 months. We were on our weekly WalMart run, so Brian took this with his Blackberry Storm. I like to call it the Worst Phone in American drops calls, but it takes a good picture!

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