Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Slacking, with a Great Excuse!

So, this blog has been neglected.  And it's totally my fault.  

I have been very, very tired lately.  Tired for oh, I don't know, the last 13 weeks?

Because of this little gal.  Or guy.  We don't know which it is :)  And we probably won't find out!

We found out the day after Christmas.  I told Brian that morning that I was "off."  He just looked at me and said, "no you aren't!"  But in his head, he was thinking that I might be.  Apparently I'm a noisy sleeper when I'm pregnant, and the last few nights had him thinking that I could be pregnant.  But of course he didn't tell me that so I wouldn't get my hopes up!

I picked up a test that day while we were out, but I didn't even think to take it until that night.  I wanted a glass of wine, but I figured I should take a test first.  When I got the positive, I was shocked and thrilled.  I try to do cute things to tell Brian about our pregnancies, but this time I just walked out of the bathroom to show him the test!  Ha!  That's when he told me about my noisy sleeping!  And I skipped the Moscato! We are very excited to be adding our fourth (and final!) baby this fall!

At that point I was only 3 weeks (although we thought I was 4).  My original due date was August 31st, but based on two ultrasounds, it's been moved to September 6th!  The first trimester has been good - no nausea or morning sickness, but LOTS of fatigue.  I am tired all the time, so rather than sitting down with the laptop at nap time or night time, I'm more likely to sleep.  Or just be lazy!

Now that I'm coasting into the second trimester (and I've had a few days where my energy level felt normal), I'll be back on track for blogging, and following along with you all!  Which is good because tee ball starts this weekend, and we're about to have a lot of fun things going on!


  1. congrats!! i could so tell by your pins! :)

  2. How wonderful, Brittney! Praying for everything to go smoothly and that you'll be able to keep up with all your regular routine. Have you told your other kids yet?

  3. Congratulations again! How exciting! What a fun surprise it will be to find out the gender on the baby's birth day!
