Friday, July 27, 2012


I actually took a few pictures with my phone this week!  I don't take nearly as many as I did with my old phone (and I take way fewer videos since I can't do it on this one), but I still like to be able to send Brian pictures of the kids throughout the day!

Hudson's got an arm.  He can really throw the ball.  Or, you know, he can throw a sippy cup into his brother's head.  Wyatt cried for a little bit (it really did hurt, and Hudson was really close).  I have to take his cups away all the time because he throws them at everything!  Especially if they don't have his choice of drink inside.
Hudson has his own personality for sure, and it does not include the desire to be pulled or pushed around.  He and Reesie constantly go at it because she wants to treat him like a baby, and he is NOT having it.  Yesterday she actually pulled him up on the chair...and he was happy to cuddle!
We're still waiting on our FuzziBunz to get here (the tracking says they'll be here tomorrow!), so we're working our way through our Up & Up's for now.  Yesterday Hudson had a wet diaper, and Wyatt changed it all by himself!  I was amazed and proud...I guess I'll have to teach him this cloth diapering thing, too. 
I am desperately trying to get breast milk stains out of baby clothes!  Look at this pile of clothes, and Reese wasn't even my biggest spitter-upper! I was out of Hydrogen Peroxide (I've read that mixing blue Dawn and Hydrogen Peroxide is a miracle stain remover), so yesterday I just washed them with some OxyClean and regular detergent, and then let them dry in the sun to let it work it's magic.  They all still need to be rewashed, but I feel like it helped some.  And I love looking at all these sweet baby clothes!
Reese's favorite jammies are Christmas pajamas...she wears them proudly.  She also wears them formally.  Or so she says.  She asked me if I wanted to see her "formal pose."  Ha!
Wyatt wanted to give his sister a kiss good night.  He can be incredibly sweet.  Sometimes.
Tonight I got to watch two storms converge in my backyard.  It was super windy, so I ran out to make sure everything was secure.  While I stowed everything away, I watched the storm clouds meet up!  Craziness!

We have no plans this weekend!  The kids have had a lot of fun this week - The Children's Museum on Monday, story time at the library with Mimi and Baba on Tuesday, a doctor's appointment for Reese on Wednesday (which was really only fun for the boys.  They were very happy that my sister's friend Stevie was baby sitting them), a boys' night of video games while Reese and I went to see Ice Age with friends on Thursday, and they spent HOURS with their friends Ryan and Colin today!  They even stayed there while I brought Hudson home for nap time!

I think a low key weekend is going to be best - especially since we have swim lessons again next week.  We have lots to do around the house anyway, but I'm sure we'll have to get out a few times - sitting around the house all day makes for crazy kids - and a crazy momma!

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