Digging way back to the beginning of July when we went to visit Brian at work. His parents had a cabana for the day, so we met up with them and spent the entire day hanging out at the waterpark!
They walked in and made a mad dash for the activity pool! Reese is now 48 inches, so she can ride everything in the park - and she's a little braver than her big brother.
Love this action shot of Wyatt coming out of the bamboo shoots!
Reese has no fear on the Cliff Slides.
But she also loves the kids' section - I love that she's so adventurous, but she's still a little girl at heart.
Finley absolutely loved her first real trip to "Daddy work." She had a blast riding the slides with Mimi and Baba. She has grown to LOVE the water this summer!
While Hudson and FQB spent the majority of their day in the kiddie section with Brian's parents, I had these two with me on the bigger slides all day. They loved Jungle Falls and Largo Loop, and even the Adventure River. They need to start taking responsibility for their own tubes, though. I was worn out from the trek up the stairs!
Little Amazon pro with Mimi!
He is so silly about these slides (and water in general). He spends half of his time protesting, and then he loves it when he finally tries! I'm just thankful that he got over his swim lesson aversion after two weeks.
The kids had the best time riding down Largo Loop. Reese and Wyatt took turns riding down in the double tube with me.
And I took Hudson down once. He is the cutest. He shouted about how awesome it was, and then he broke out into the "Everything is Awesome" song from the Lego movie. He was so excited to be one of the "big kids" and slide down, too!
They were begging for slushes before we left, and I totally caved. We've been back to the park a few times this summer, and they love it.
I guess if you can overlook Brian's crazy long summer hours, it's a pretty awesome job for a Dad to have! But I am counting down the days until September. I am ready to have him back with us on the weekends - even if it means that our entire Saturday is spent going back and forth from soccer to baseball.

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