Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday!


I am linking up with Samantha again  to share what I am thankful for this week.  Such a fun way to jot down things that make our lives better and more rewarding and just, well, amazing!

I am thankful for my kids.  And their health.  And their spunk.  I don't have one wall flower.  They're all funny, and a little too opinionated for my their own good, but I love it.  I know that they will always stand up for themselves and each other, and for that I am truly grateful!

I am thankful for education!  Mine, Brian's, and the kids'.  We both grew up in amazing school systems.  I was lucky enough to get a public education that was equivalent to a private one - without the tuition.  My kids go to an amazing pre-school that is providing them with a wonderful foundation, and they will go to great schools (and I'm not just saying that because my mother-in-law used to teach at one)!

I am thankful that my kids want to learn.  Reese is already so close to a Phonics book - something Wyatt didn't even get until this year (she really has an advantage by having a big brother so close in age)!  Wyatt is super close to getting his first reader and is having fun going on "word searches" with me and finding sight words.

I am thankful for a sense of humor.  Everyone's.  Mine.  Brian's.  My Dad's.  My brothers'.  My friends'.  And my kids'.  I like laughing.  Even if it's at my expense (which is why I can still tolerate my brother's sense of humor).  Reese tells some of the funniest jokes. Wyatt has a great delivery (which I think is courtesy of The Backyardigans.)  I also have a great appreciation for sarcasm.

I am thankful to have a voice.  I don't have a lot of strong opinions or get offended easily (see the above appreciation for a sense of humor), but this week has challenged me.  I was really offended by something someone said, and I've taken it head on.  And I'm kind of happy about that.  And the emails I keep getting that confirm that I'm doing the right thing!

I am thankful to finally have a night off!  I'm headed out to dinner with a friend tonight, and I am really excited.  And following it up with Grey's Anatomy sounds just right!


  1. Don't you just love good public school systems? We live in a great little town that has great schools. I'm so thankful for that. Your kids seem so smart, and so eager to learn. Thats great. Hope you're having a good Thursday. :)

  2. These are all such awesome things to be thankful for!! Thanks again for linking up :) I think to be a good mom, you NEED a sense of humor... to be able to just laugh at yourself sometimes, goes a looong way! Enjoy your night out!

    ~Adventures With Gwen~
