Friday, September 23, 2011

pinnable me: Hudson's First Birthday Inspiration

I'm linking up with Stefanie's blog for Pinnable Me Friday again today!  I am so excited to start planning my little guy's first birthday party.  The idea and theme of the party has been floating around in my head for a few months, but I finally ran the idea for the party by Brian last night and he loved it.  For Wyatt's first birthday party we had a baseball party, and we had a game on in the background (you know, for the grown ups).  For Hudson's birthday party we're going to have Football themed party and we'll have the party on a Sunday afternoon while the games are on!  For his party I'm striving for a more "home made" party, and I think that these idea are fantastic!

This ticket invitation is really fun and cute!  I like the idea of having a brown and green party!

This shirt is absolutely adorable!
Source: via Brittney on Pinterest

This cake would be a really great smash cake for Mr. H.

This little touch is a really fun idea.  We aren't Packers fans (well, Brian isn't.  Wyatt is actually shaping up to be a Packers fan in his own right), but the idea is still cute!  I think Brian would prefer if I used orange as coordinating color because he's a Dolphins fan!

Having a football themed party makes the foods pretty easy!  Dips, pigs in a blanket, meatballs - sounds yummy.  Brian is a seven layer dip afficianado - he likes to make it and "decorate" it for the holidays.  Usually he just spells out something with the tomatoes - like "Noel" on Christmas.  This might be challenge for him!

I think something like this would be a great way to show off Hudson's monthly pictures - what a fun way to see how much he's grown in the last year!  And pretty simple to make if I find a cheap frame at the thrift store!

I was also thinking about inviting Coach Taylor to fully incorporate the theme!  Side note:  How awesome is it that he won the Emmy on Sunday?  As someone who has watched Friday Night Lights since the day it aired, I was so happy that he was finally nominated and won! 

And since I'm such a big fan - I should probably get this to wear to the party (and yes, Panthers because I never loved East Dillion the way I loved the Dillon Panthers!)

I am so excited about planning this party!  Now I just have to actually get things done!


  1. Such a cute idea! I love the football theme and the ticket invite is so awesome!
