Wyatt, Reese, and Hudson are all playing basketball at the Y this season, and they are all on different teams. Add in Wyatt's indoor soccer schedule and it makes for some crazy Saturdays.
Hudson usually starts our mornings with his practice and game at 9AM. His age group practices for about 20 minutes and then they play a game. He was stoked to be on the court!
He scored 4 points in his first game!
Reese's game was next. She is having so much fun! She hustles up and down the court.
We missed her first two baskets when we were getting Jeter, but Mimi and Baba were there to see them!
Wyatt is playing his fourth season and he is having fun learning new skills (he learned a lot at basketball camp last summer, too. Apparently I didn't include that on the blog. So behind.).
BUT, he's lost two games and tied the third. This is how he handles losing. He hopped up off the bench with a huge smile on his face when they ended in a tie. I think he was just happy that he didn't actually lose!
Fortunately, his indoor soccer team has been winning by double digits, so that softens the blow of the basketball losses. Ha!

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