Lumping all of the little things that happen each month (but that I don't want to forget!) makes catching up so much easier.
October was filled with weekends of back to back baseball and tee ball and soccer and more baseball practice. Wyatt actually had two soccer bye weekends, and he was called up to play with his old coach's 10U team once (and scored 4 goals against 10 year olds!), and then he decided that he wanted to play with them again on his next bye weekend. He loves to compete!
Brian and I spent the first Friday of October at the wedding of our friends Anna and Wes! There wedding was gorgeous, and we were able to catch up with Steph and Dave. I hadn't seen them since their last visit here (and our visit was cut short by Hudson's emergency room trip for stitches!), so it was great to see them (and Stephanie's baby bump)!
I also used buying a new dress for their wedding as motivation when I started going to the gym regularly in June. I was so excited when I hit the 30 pounds lost mark and got to buy a new dress!
On Saturday we were up early for games. This is what Wyatt and Jack do when one of them scores a goal.
On Sunday we went to a baby shower for Steph and Dave, and these girls had the best time eating their cake in the backyard. Finley was loving being at the "big girl table."
Having two readers in the house means that my bedtime duties sometimes get handed over. They actually fight over who gets to read to Finley!
Reese modeling her Halloween costume. She initially wanted to be Elsa, but when I told her that I thought that there might a lot of Elsa's, she changed her mind. Mulan is her favorite princess (which I think is awesome. Mulan is a legit warrior), so she settled on that. Plus, she got a fan, just like Princess Amber's! Score!
Hudson celebrated the end of his alphabet unit with a party at school, an "H" hat, and a picture with his sisters.
Brian doesn't miss an Admirals game unless it's necessary, and I was able to go with him to the first two home games of the season.
Reesie has really wanted to try footie pajamas, and I've been hesitant to let her. I finally caved and she loves them!
She was student of the week the second week of October. She put this little poster of herself together.
Hudson had to go back to the doctor for another nebulizer treatment. We are giving him increased daily doses of his inhaler to help prevent another episode before we go for his 4 year check up in two weeks. I'd like to get this figured out, because watching this poor boy struggle to breathe when he's sick is heartbreaking.
Reese decided to enter the Reflections contest at school.... on her own. She loves art. And ice cream. And if you enter the contest, you get an ice cream party. Makes sense to me. Ha!
After what felt like weeks and weeks and weeks of 14-16 hour days at work (coming home and then going back until 1 or 2 in the morning!), Brian took some time off on a Friday. We went to Sam's Club, and anytime I touched the cart, this happened. She would only let Brian touch the shopping cart.
The entire family is obsessed with Star Wars Rebels. This is what my couch looks like when a new episode is on. It should also be noted that Finley is the one who retrieves and hands out the blankets.
Homework has gotten much easier this month. Wyatt is even stepping up to help his sister with some advice that he's picked up in his long career as a student. He told Reese that if she was having trouble reading a word, she should ask herself, "Does it look right, does it sound right, does is make sense?" So helpful when he wants to be!
November is sure to be crazy! An adorable little boy turns FOUR on Wednesday (HOW!?!), and our weekends are jam packed through Thanksgiving. There's also someone in our house who likes to jump the gun on her Christmas decorating (that's me). But I'm so excited for everything we have going on this month!

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