Catching up on August activies...because it's my favorite thing to do in October obviously!
Finley really started to love the pool this summer. "'Wimming" is one of her favorite things to do!
These two were so cute huddled up together at the end of swim lessons each night.
Her favorite part of lessons is always the jumps!
Wyatt gets nervous about new situations. We decided that he would acclimate best to his new school this year by taking a tour over the summer (our zone has one school for K-2 and another for 3-5. I happen to think that it's genius to keep the 10 year olds separated from the 5 year olds!). He was pretty anxious, but while the Principal talked to us we realized that she knew Wyatt's best buddy's mom, that she has three boys who love baseball, and that she's heard about Wyatt from another friend's grandmother who teaches at the school (and she was also a special friend to Wyatt last year in second grade). He left feeling much better about the upcoming school year!
It was a week of getting prepared for school, because this girl had an eye appointment. She has been complaining about feeling like her eyes get crossed when she reads, so we went to have her baby blues checked out. And we left with a pink pair of glasses!
Finley was terrified of dogs a year ago. Now she would rather be friends with dogs than people. I'm sure no one else out there feels the same way. Ha!
We had a fun time meeting friends for snowballs! Here's Hudson and his buddy Fletcher.
I can't believe that these three are First Graders now! Reese and Emma ended up in a class with two more friends from their Pre-K class, and poor Griff ended up in a class alone. I know he's already made great friends - such a sweet kid!
We went to my mom and dad's for a little birthday party for Katie. I took Finley right out of bed after her nap before we went over. And then I got there and realized she was burning up! She was running a fever of 105, but we were finally able to get it down late that night.
Clearly feeling better the next day after sneaking her sister's Nerf gun.
Our house is always well protected with the Captain here.
Didi and Pop Pop got Reesie her first American Girl for her birthday. We drove over the day it came so that Reese could meet her mini-me - complete with pink glasses. Reesie named her Taylor Noelle.
Sometimes Finley fake sleeps in the car so that I'll carry her inside! Ha!
We signed Wyatt up for a zoo camp the week of Reese's birthday. Brian was off on the first day of camp and we ran about a million errands after we dropped Wyatt off that morning (buying birthday presents for Reese - ha!), so we decided to go to the zoo and hang out until he was done for the day. Doesn't FQB look thrilled?
Can you tell that these two missed their brother while he was gone all day? They fight like cats and dogs (the older two, not the littlest), but they sure miss each other when they're apart.
Who loves the Yankees, baby dolls, and Star Wars? This girl!
We got a date night at the Darius Rucker concert, an it was great from start to finish. I love when he throws in some Hootie, too!
Had to get a picture of this girl singing in the back seat! She takes her music very seriously!

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