Just catching up with a few of August's little moments.
The Living Museum had a dinosaur exhibit, and we went to check it out a few times. They've added an interactive play area, and Reese was very serious about her X-ray viewing.

A fun zoo trip with their cousins. Yankees shirts are a requirement when these two get together. The orangutan seemed to enjoy visiting with them. Ha!
Finley got to hop up on the rhino for the first time. Hudson wasn't with us at the zoo for the cousin get together. He had a TERRIBLE night the night before coughing, and Brian and I called the pediatrician for a sick visit. He was given a nebulizer treatment, a steroid shot, 2 different types of inhalers, and an oral steroid. I felt so bad for him. But I was grateful that Brian was able to take him to the doctor because I knew Wyatt and Reese would be disappointed if they missed a visit with Derek and Sophie.
Hudson, on the other hand, was NOT happy about missing the zoo trip. He was feeling much better the following day, so I took them back. As you can see, he was thrilled about being on the rhino.
It was one of the few occasions when we were able to actually SEE the tiger. This guy is not out very often. He's usually secluded somewhere out of our view.
We stopped at Doumar's for lunch afterwards because we were starving. And because, why not?
My mom took the kids back to school shopping for a few necessities, and then took us to lunch a Red Robin.
Wyatt likes all animals, but he really loves dogs. He spent most days in August asking me if I could take him to Mimi and Baba's house to hang out with Sassy. When we got together with the cousins, he spent some time with Cocoa. I don't think we're going to be able to hold off on getting this boy another dog for too much longer.
The ice cream man was driving around the country roads by Mimi and Baba's - so we had to get these kids some ice cream!
I took these crazy caged animals to the zoo...again.
We got drenched at Busch Gardens. It started POURING while we were taking a train ride around the park. I wish I had the video of Hudson drinking rain water that was falling off of the roof of the train station. I'm pretty sure he convinced a young couple next to us to never have kids. This trip (and the state of my van afterwards), required a major car clean!
Finley was able to sneak over the gate, and she decided to have a story time in Wyatt's room. He says she's his favorite sibling because she's sweet and she never fights with him. Ha!
Seriously making good use of our zoo passes.
Reesie and Daddy after Meet the Teacher.
I promised her a picture with this mermaid all summer, and we finally made it over on our last visit. She loves all of the mermaids throughout the city. Her favorite is the one that is painted like a Hershey Kiss at the mall!
And that's a wrap on August! Hopefully I get September up in a more timely fashion!

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