Blogging slacker here. I guess I decided to take the month of September off?
It hasn't been easy getting into the swing of the beginning of a new school year, a busy sports season, and the fact that the Fall is actually Brian's busy season at work. I know that seems crazy, but a lot of the "business-y" stuff starts in September, with almost no break from the summer craziness. It has been overwhelming this year - mostly for him, and a little for me!
Way back at the beginning of September, this sweet girl turned TWO!
Our baby girl is two! It's so crazy to think that only two years ago she was our tiniest baby, and now she's a walking, talking toddler. Who we still frequently call "The Baby." I can't remember how long we called Hudson "The Baby," but I'm pretty sure it stopped when I was pregnant with this girl. I guess everyone else has had another little brother or sister to take the baby spot, but she's the Grand Finale!
She got to spend her birthday with her favorite person in the world. It doesn't get much better than that!
We had a late pizza dinner and cake. Wyatt's baseball coach ran a pretty late practice. I guess he forgot he had an important celebration to attend? Ha!
We opened presents and celebrated this sweet little girl. She funny, she's loving, she adores her older siblings. Her relationship with them is a little Sour Patch Kid-dish right now. First she's sour, then she's sweet. She'll walk up to Hudson, smack his back, and then give him a big smile and a hug. And he gives in every time!
Because how can you be mad at this smile?! It was car cleaning day and I needed to keep her contained. This worked!
Sweet sisters reading and playing together.
She snatched strawberries out of the grocery bag - and took them to the couch to eat them. Mess. Mess. Mess. Mess. Mess.
Reading surrounded by all the essentials. And those toes!!!
On our way to Frozen on Ice!
And the outfit she chose for her two year well check up. Showing her Disney Side. She's fashion forward. Obviously.
At her two year check up she weighed 29 pounds, 4 ounces, and she's 33 inches tall. I'm not sure I got the percentiles on that. Fourth child syndrome!
Two is a fun age. We're still working on her communication, so there are problems when she wants something and I have no idea what it means, but we're making a consistent effort to talk to her all of the time, just like we did with Wyatt and Reese and Hudson. Poor girl always gets interrupted by the big kids. With them at school more, we're reading more books, doing more puzzles, and spending more one on one time. And I'm loving it. (I miss the other kids, obviously, I'm just enjoying my last days with a little one, too!).
Happy Birthday, Finley Quinn! We love you!

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