We had a fun and busy May!
I started the month with an "unofficial" 15 year high school reunion. It was a great night with lots of great people! I'm so glad that Brian was able to get home early enough for me to head out!
It sounds crazy, but I had a really enjoyable time in high school - it was a big school, but because of the program I was in and the activities I was involved in, it felt small. And because of Facebook, we're all still able to keep in touch. There were lots of selfies!
We had to head to the ball field the next day, and this guy wanted to get some swings in before he left for a day of games!
The team came in second place!
I lost my mind and took these three out for ice cream after school one day. They had fun, but getting them all situated with soft serve and toppings can be a little crazy!
Wyatt's team had a big game, and the other two decided to suit up in their Dodgers gear.
Finley also likes to rep her team - with lollipops.
Reese was determined to be the top reader in Kindergarten. She was also pretty excited to accumulate more Accelerated Reader points than her big brother.
Reesie's class went on a Field Trip to the farm - and Brian got to tag along as a chaperone. It was a rainy day, but they still had fun!
Oh, Jeter. He went for a roll under the deck. Twice. It was a lot of fun to clean up :)!
T-ball is over for this girl! She'll move up to softball (maybe baseball) in the fall!
This guy has a few season left on the t-ball fields. He is having a LOT of fun and he's learning so much!
This is obviously a meeting of the minds. Very important things were being discussed here!
Wyatt actually took the time to help his sister with her homework. Listening to him explain what he knows to her? Awesome! He gets it all - even though completing 8 million worksheets about it "all" isn't his idea of a good time!
He had to work on a Young Author's project this year, and he was given the task of writing about different topics, including his future family. Apparently, he's not going to have one.
This white uniform? It's super fun to clean. Not.
T-ball trophies!
She is such a great baby! I know, I know, she's not a baby. BUT she has been doing such a great job hanging in with us during long baseball weekends.
These two have bonded over the last few months. While the big kids are in school, they spend their time playing and making messes! The making of messes has really helped them grow closer together.
So stylish.
How do you pass time between baseball games? Just relaxing.
Or you could steal an iPad and hang out in the shade.
Another tooth bites the dust!
Can you tell that his baseball weekends can get a little tiresome? He still had one more to play!
And a picture before we took this guy to school!
Wyatt's last Coach Pitch game was last Wednesday! I can't believe that it's already time for him to pitch! He has been taking lessons for a few weeks, and he really enjoys it - but I'm already that crazy mom stressing about his arm.
This Smashing Pumpkins shirt was a Daddy purchase.
Just a couple of girls reading some bed time stories.
Aaaaaaand a really big dog.