We had to redeem Hudson's preschool pass by the end of May, so Brian and I secretly plotted a trip last week while Wyatt and Reese were in school. A weekend day wouldn't work because it would involve me up there alone with 4 kids in a long line. No thank you! Ha!
We dropped the two big kids off, and then trekked to Williamsburg for the day. Hudson said, "Hey Mommy, take my picture right here, okay?"
We went over to the Sesame Street section, and he was pretty determined to do some things on his own. When did my baby boy become such a big boy? Especially chilling in his shades!
There's my baby!
Fin Fin broke free of the stroller for a little bit and got to ride with Daddy! I looked back over the blog, and found this post from a trip with the big kids. I can't believe it, but Hudson is actually older now than Wyatt was then, and Finley is just a little younger than Reese was. That. Is. Crazy!
Always the cool guy! These sunglasses have become quite the "thing" for him this year. He's now on his second pair, the first one broke. We almost lost the second pair at Target on Sunday, but we searched high and low and found them!
We got to ride the roller coaster over and over again - without getting off!
These two stopped to visit with Elmo.
She obviously hated it!
We followed Elmo land up with slushes, a ride on the log flume, and a train ride! We made it home in time to pick the big kids up from Mimi and Baba, get Wyatt's book report finished and his habitat project started (and we had to shop for it! Totally last minute!), and then, by some miracle, he made it to his pitching lesson on time!

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