We haven't been doing a whole lot, but it feels like we've constantly been on the go. Brian was able to go see Avatar on Sunday while I went to hang out with two of my close friends, Carolyn and Darcy. Carolyn's little girl Brooke is just a little older than Reese, but it seemed like Wyatt and Brooke did more playing together than Brooke and Reese!
On Monday we decided to brave the stores and go spend some gift cards :). Later that night I got to go to the movies with Shannon to see New Moon, which I didn't hate, but I didn't love. It's not my favorite book in the Twilight Series, so I didn't expect it to be fantastic, but I was overwhelmed by the sheer cheesiness of it all. I literally felt like a 13 year old girl sitting in the movie theater.
Yesterday we were finally able to get back in our new house to take some measurements and get another look before our walk through next week! It's new construction, so there's a lot of blinds and things to buy that we need to get measurements for, and we wanted to make sure that our refrigerator is going to fit. The kids had a great time walking through and checking the place out. Wyatt fell in a mud puddle as we were leaving (thank goodness!), but I suppose that's why we carry around a spare set of clothes!
Today Brian and Wyatt went to see the new Alvin & the Chipmunks movie, and from what I hear, Wyatt did a great job in the movie theater. Brian took Wyatt to a few movies over the summer so he had a little practice, but Brian said he didn't talk at all and he really loved the movie! Brian got lucky and got to go see another movie tonight on our date night: Outback, Target and the Blind Side. A great combo! We had a lot of fun at dinner, spent more than we planned at Target, and movie was really good. While we were out my parents took Wyatt and Reese to Firehouse Subs for some grilled cheese. Wyatt didn't stop talking about it in the car! He keeps telling us "Mommy, there's a chipmunk named Brittney (which he knows refers to as my "other name"), and "Daddy, I went to the Fire Station for dinner!"
Tomorrow our big plan is to just hang out with the kids during the day and then go out with our friends Pete and Shannon for dinner. We're not huge into New Year's Eve, but we like to go out for a little bit! And we still have 4 days off! What to do, what to do....