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Baby Boy - 37 Weeks!

- How Far Along: 37 weeks!
- Size of the Baby: He's a watermelon. Probably about 6.5-7 pounds and anywhere from 19-22 inches. And he feels that big.
- Total Weight Gain: 23 pounds. I lost more weight this appointment. I find it very hard to eat three meals a day. If I eat breakfast and lunch, then I'll probably have a snack around dinner time. Or breakfast and dinner and no lunch. I just can't eat that much! I'm measuring right on schedule, and honestly, it wasn't like I didn't have a little extra weight on before I got pregnant!
- Maternity clothes: Yeah. Why is this even a question anymore?
- Gender: Boy. And he will probably not have an official name until we meet him.
- Movement: Have you ever felt like an alien invaded your body? That's pretty much what it's like with Gooey between 8 and 10 every night.
- What I miss: Sleep. But mostly, playing with my kids. We went to Busch Gardens yesterday and had a lot of fun, but I was on my feet from 10 am until almost 8 (we went to Wal Mart and Target after Busch Gardens), and I can barely walk today. Or move. And they really want to go to the zoo and park, and I just can't even muster up the energy to get them in the car. And I feel so bad. But I am spent.
- Sleep: I have some nights where I sleep with no problems (besides the getting up to pee thing), but others where I wake up at 2 or 3 to go the bathroom and don't fall back asleep until 5. That's a problem because I wake up at 5:45 for work or Wyatt's up by 6:15 at the latest. But I guess it's all just getting me ready for the sweet baby boy who is on his way!
- Symptoms: I'm tired, sore, have Braxton Hicks, I can't move, and oh yeah, my stomach is huge. But I have this amazing pregnancy glow!
- Best Moment of the Week: We had an awesome time at Busch Gardens yesterday! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat at our appointment on Friday. Brian's work threw a really great shower for us on Wednesday at Red Robin which we are so thankful for! And two weeks ago my work also threw a shower for me, and they are just so amazing. Which leads me to another kind of moment: worst. I turned my two weeks notice in on Friday morning. Which means that I have 8 days of work left, which translates to 40 hours of work left before I become a stay at home mom. I am really excited to stay home with the kids, but it is going to be so hard to leave behind my friends at work. I'm crying thinking about it. I can't imagine what I'm going to be like next Friday :(. And somehow best moment of the week became worst moment of the week.
- What I'm Looking Forward to: Shopping for baby! We still have a lot of stuff to get him, and I'm looking forward to using some gift cards on this little guy. The kids Halloween costumes are really coming together (Wyatt is going to be Iron Man and Reese is a bit of a surprise), which will be a lot of fun. Wyatt has a Halloween parade at school next Tuesday, so we're looking forward to that. And on top of all of that - we're going to have a new cuddly baby boy joining our family in 18 days!

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