- The Australian Doctor gave me drugs
- Brian put on scrubs
- There was a bright light
- Brian took him to the nursery
- I passed out
- I woke up an hour later
- I met our baby and fell in love.

We woke up at 6am so that we could call the hospital at 7 to make sure there was a Labor & Delivery room for us. There was an opening, so we packed up and moved out! We stopped at Target (I know, we seriously have a problem) on the way and got to the hospital at 7:30.
Let me just say, this was NOT how I pictured my delivery. There was going to be water breaking. Rushing around. No painkillers or drugs of any kind. Then the Pitocin showed up. The contractions hurt, but I was convinced I could make it through. I just needed my balance ball. Our Prepared Childbirth Instructor said that balance balls were amazing. Um, no. By 11:30 I was begging for some drugs. Not the epidural, just the light stuff. This baby is going to be here any second.
After her little escape act I decided to declare snacktime so that both kids would get in their stroller. I usually give the baggie to Wyatt and eats and shares some with Reese. I have to say that I am extremely impressed that he actually does share the food. He says "Reesie wants some more? I'll share with her." Of course that means she will get one goldfish to snack on while he shoves 5 in his mouth, but at least he isn't greedy with them!
I am excited that it is finally March, and can't believe that my baby boy ("I'm not a baby Mommy. I'm a big boy. Reese is a baby.") is going to be 3 at the end of the month! I'm looking forward to his birthday, hopefully some spring weather, and of course springing forward! I hate days with less sunlight, and I love losing an hour of sleep to get more sunshine!