We didn't do much besides hang around the house all week. Reese enjoyed her kitchen to the point of climbing on top of it. She just lays across the counter and lounges!
This week really wasn't too eventful until Friday, which was my birthday! I spent the morning at Target with the kids (ha!), and then we all came home for their naps. Brian came home early with my presents (two new charms for the Pandora bracelet my parents got me for my birthday and a picture frame), and then we went to Red Robin for dinner, where I got my free birthday burger and sundae! Yummy! Unfortunately just about all of us (lucky Wyatt) had a snotty nose or a sinus headache, so we came home and all went to bed exceptionally early.
We spent the whole weekend together running errands and hanging out around the house. We got a few things done around the house and spent lots of time eating my Coldstone Birthday Cake (also a present from Brian).
Sunday morning I was home with Reese while Brian and Wyatt ran over to his parents' house. I was unpacking and putting away groceries, and I realized I hadn't heard Reese talking or running around in a few minutes. I walked out of my kitchen and saw this:
She is such a big help at 18 months! Always wanting to help around the house and taking care of her baby dolls!
Unlike her big brother, who prefers to lounge around in bed all day with his Iron Man mask and his baseball equipment!
Last night we went to the local comedy club with my fellow March birthday folks to see D.L. Hughley. It was absolutely hysterical, and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately we ate terribly this weekend (Red Robin Friday, Firehouse Subs Saturday, and the Comedy Club last night), so we will be having nothing but homemade meals all week (good for my budget and our waistlines), so I might be publishing our Meal Plan for this week later.

Your kids are too cute! When is the 3rd on coming; haha :)