If you're actually reading this, you're probably thinking, "Finally! She's almost done talking about her trip!" Sorry, but we're finally down to our last day.
I hate the last day. I hate it so much. Because I totally agree with my kids. It would be really, really fun to live at Disney World!
We had a few more characters that we needed to meet. And if you look at Finley's face, you'll see her excitement about finally meeting Donald Duck. She is obsessed with that guy!
We went to visit Mickey, and for the first time ever, he TALKED to them. You can see the pure joy on Wyatt's face. He was so excited!
And so was Hudson!
We took one last ride on Space Mountain.
We stopped to visit with Merida.
Hugs included!
Peter Pan cracked these kids up. The boys thought he was hysterical! He picked up Reese's autograph book full of princess pictures. and kept pointing and saying, "EW! Girl! Are they kissing? Oh gross!"
Then he offered to have a "falling on the floor" contest with the kids. He won! Ha!
We stopped at the sword in the stone so that they could try to reenact Wyatt's great feat of 2008. Unfortunately, there was no movement this time!
Brian managed to get us an early reservation for Be Our Guest for dinner. The lunch was so good, and we figured it wouldn't hurt to ask about dinner! We were able to sit right by the windows with snow falling, and it was a great experience. I honestly preferred the food at lunch, but it was still really fun! And we were able to meet the Beast after our meal!
After dinner we rode a few more rides - but the park had gotten really crowded and wait times were ridiculous! We went on the People Mover one last time - it really is one of everyone's favorite rides!
We stopped on the way out to take a few more pictures and pick up a few packages. Brian was able to take these from the train platform on Main Street/
I always like to stop and take one last look at the park before we leave. It really is the most magical place on earth!

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