It's already January and I haven't done any school updates! I shared in November that Reesie entered the Reflections contest at school. The theme this year was "The world would be a better place if..."
Her teacher called me in November to tell me that our kindergartner girl won first place for art! I was so excited to call Brian and tell him, but I had to keep it a secret from Reese! Brian was also in Florida the week of the ice cream party, so he had to miss it (actually, he missed all of these things). Fortunately I recorded the moment she found out she won, and sent it to him immediately. Reese was so surprised, and we are so proud of her!
The Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast was also that week. I was lucky enough to sit with Reese, Emma, and their friend Hanna.
Me and my girl chowing down on Thanksgiving food!

Hudson also brought home his first Phonics book that week! He was so excited. Reese was explaining to him that he had to get his Phonics book and write his letters, and then he will get his first reader. He is already trying to read like the big kids. He brought his math book home right after Christmas break. I can't believe he will be in Pre-K next year (thanks to his November birthday)!
All three of the big kids with their first Phonics books! Wyatt was 4 and half, Reese was almost 4, and Hudson got his the week after he turned 4!
Wyatt' also had his big second grade field trip to Jamestown that week - it was a crazy week! I wish I had a picture of him in his class shirt before they left - but the girls all voted for a pink shirt, and he refuses to be photographed in pink. Boys!

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