We spent the third day of our Disney Vacation at the Magic Kingdom. It is by far our very favorite park. I feel like I could spend days and days and days there!
We walked right into a visit with Tinkerbell (it also got us out of the rain)! Wyatt was definitely in an "I want nothing to do with girls" mood, and that spread to Hudson. But at least the girls were happy to see Tink!
Our next stop was Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Brian always teases me about the faces that I make on the ride (we have every single picture on the fridge). I want to win, and I take it very seriously. Even when I'm competing against 2 year olds. I wonder where Wyatt gets it.
Something very exciting happened on this trip! Not only were Wyatt and Reese both tall enough to ride Space Mountain, but Wyatt actually did. He is not a big roller coaster fan (Reese totally is), and we were expecting him to change his mind - but he didn't! I was so worried the whole time that he would get off the ride crying (like the dinosaur ride incident of 2012), but he really seemed to have a lot of fun. I still can't believe that he rode a roller coaster that was completely dark!
We went to Fantasyland to ride Dumbo. We had a Fast Pass, but the rain meant no lines, so we decided to hop on early. This little girl was such a fun ride partner! She was also the only child who actually wanted to ride with me. She spent the majority of the week yelling "NO! DADA PUSH!" every. single. time. I touched her stroller. Those are the heartwarming memories, right there.
While we took a spin on Dumbo, Brian waited in the Stand By line to see these two.
That's right. The line for Elsa and Anna was only 35 minutes long, so he hopped in line while we rode a few rides. He's a pro! The girls were so excited. Finley has been singing "Let it Go" constantly for a year, and she loves Anna and Elsa. And Reese is a six year old girl in the world, so obviously Frozen is her favorite thing ever.
First they met Anna.
And then they met the Snow Queen! Life changing!
Brian, his parents, and the kids took a spin on the carousel.
She loved it. Although she still keeps insisting that horses say "baaaaa!"
We got an invitation in November for lunch at Be Our Guest, and I raced online to book it. We all pre-ordered our lunch, but there was a glitch. It was still a really, really great meal. We hadn't eaten there before, and the food was wonderful and the theming was amazing!
As Lumiere says, "Try the gray stuff, it's delicious!" This cupcake was. so. good!
We wandered over to the forbidden West Wing. We found the rose that counted down the Beast's final days to find love.
And then we rode Splash Mountain.
Hudson gives this a thumbs up. I think we rode it 4 times that day. He is obsessed!
We turned to our old rainy day stand by and hopped on the train for a bit!
Reese and I stopped to visit Ariel while Brian changed Finley's diaper. I didn't know we would make it through the line in 10 minutes!
We wanted Finley to get in a visit with Ariel, so we went through line again when Brian got back. And there are two Ariel's in the same line. Reese didn't notice (thank goodness)!
A family photo outside of Ariel's grotto. I think I should have hashtagged every photo from our trip #thanksforlookingatthecameraHudson.
The kids were over pictures, so Brian and I stopped in front of the castle!
At Belle's Enchanted Tales, Hudson became an anarchist! Shortly after this picture was taken, he dropped Belle's hand, stepped away from her, and then held up his pointer fingers to make an X. Brian and I sat there stunned, and Wyatt sat next to us clapping and saying, "Way to go, Hudson!" Seriously, I was overwhelmed with pride.
We had dinner at the park, and then ended the night watching the Frozen show. They loved it - and the castle was gorgeous! Aso? There's a Hidden Mickey in the lights - Wyatt was obsessed with finding them!

Ahhh! Looks like sooo much fun. We will make it to Disney one day!
ReplyDeleteDARN! I didn't know about the hidden Mickey's in the lights! Looks so much like our day there except it was a bit hotter at 84 degrees so no jackets for us! :)