I figured it would be fun to do a little review of some of our 2014 "highlights."
January: Our New Year started off with stitches after Hudson fell down the stairs. He was such a brave kid while we were in the ER, and he recovered quickly. And then it started to snow. And snow. And snow. The kids missed a lot of school, but Wyatt did still have basketball!
February: It was a somber month that included Brian selling his Jeep. No one was very happy about that little fact, but I will say that Brian having space for more than one kid in his car has made a world of difference for me! We visited the aquarium, and went to Richmond for Mason's third birthday party.
March: Spring sports were back! Wyatt played soccer and baseball, and Reese started her first season of t-ball. Wyatt continued taking ice skating lessons, and he also turned SEVEN!
April: We celebrated Wyatt's birthday with his friends. Hudson and Reese each had their Spring programs at school (Reese's last program of preschool). We spent Spring Break dying Easter Eggs, and running a 5K, and the Easter Bunny brought their baskets. And Finley was our family MVP with most time spent in a stroller watching her siblings play sports!
May: Wyatt tried out for and made the All Star Team, we had a really fun Mother's Day weekend, and Wyatt and Reese both got the game ball at baseball. We went to see the Big Duck when it was at the local art museum, and the kids and I found a fun way to kick off summer.
June: Baseball season ended for Reese, but our well rounded girl kicked off her cleats for tap shoes and ballet slippers for her spring recital. Wyatt had so much fun at his first Field Day, and then school was out for summer!
July: I retired from the blog while we shuffled Wyatt all over the region for his All Star tournament. We were thankful that the big tournament was at our fields! His team had a really fun party to celebrate their season! Hudson started his first (much anticipated) baseball season at the Y. Swimming lessons are a summer staple, and it was fun to watch Wyatt and Reese get into "real strokes" this summer. We also had a fun visit to the waterpark!
August: There was swimming. There was more tee ball. And more swimming lessons. The kids and I had many adventures getting out of the house. Wyatt went to a really fun baseball camp with the Tides. We went to Busch Gardens. Everyone got ready to go back to school. And Reese turned SIX!
September: The kids went to back to school on the same day that Finley turned two! Wyatt, Reese, and Hudson started fall ball, and we found a little time to go to Busch Gardens with the cousins!
October: I didn't blog much, so I threw almost everything together in one post (including Wyatt's entire soccer season. Oops). Hudson had his Pumpkin Patch Parade at school, and we went Trick or Treating!
November: Hudson turned four and had a really fun party at the zoo! We voted, Hudson got his first Phonics book, and Reesie's Reflection entry got her first place! We celebrated Thanksgiving with our families. We also went to the Military Aviation Museum to see the Planes and Trains!
December: After rushing around like a mad woman for the first week of the month, we spent 8 days at the Happiest Place on Earth! We made it home in time for Hudson's program and Wyatt and Reese's class parties! And Santa came!

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