Thursday, April 29, 2010
Red Head "Reesie Rules"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
And I am in a fabulous mood! Maybe it's the fact that I have a hair appointment on Friday (hello highlights), because hair appointments always make me happy. Maybe it's just the fact that Reese is being so polite that it melts my heart. She says "please" and "thank you" routinely (usually without prompting), and she just sounds so sweet when she says it. It could have been the thunderstorm that came rolling in last night. Amazing! I think it's a combination of all that, plus a few other things...

And finally, what has really capped off this week is the fact that my husband shaved his goatee off! It's usually a winter thing for him, but it's gone on too long this year! So Sunday I asked (kind of) nicely and he shaved it off! Yay!

Monday, April 26, 2010
We got some things done this weekend. We got a Topsy Turvy Tomato hanger and we're now going to grow our own tomatoes (or attempt to)! I looooove tomatoes and so does Reese! We also got one for strawberries, now we just need to find the plants!
We got a few things done around the house. Some closet stuff, a few little projects, and hopefully some more will get done this week!
I just remembered that tomorrow I'm going to Rockafeller's for lunch at work! My team has gotten some big things crossed off of our to do list over the last few weeks, and we're going out to celebrate. Yum! We had to make a choice, and it came down to Rockafeller's or Waterman's. Since two of us had our rehearsal dinner's there (including me), Rocakfeller's won!
I decided to take a certain blog off of my list over there ---> and to stop following it. I just felt like it had become all about money, and the more I clicked on it (even though I was exasperated with the product placement, the constant talking (or bullying) about the need to give to charities when you yourself are "broke", and adding the "new author" as another attempt to make money) the more money went in. So I'm done with it. The kids are cute, but I can live without them in my daily life.
Wyatt has his third soccer game and his team pictures tonight! I am so excited to see his first little team picture and start his little sports scrapbook!
Reese cracks me up! Every time the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on and Mickey says "Hey Everybody, do you want to come and play in my clubhouse?," she says "No!" and gets this huge smile on her face.

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Mission: Organization
Which is why, three months after moving in, Brian and I are at our whits end with clutter. We got rid of a lot when we moved, but now I'm just finding even more that I don't need in my way. My biggest pet peeve (by far) is this:
So I got these. They were cheap and on sale, so I figured I would get plain ones that I can cover with scrapbook or wrapping paper and label. Then I will have one for appliance and furniture manuals, one for outside stuff (to keep in the garage), and one for toy manuals. I'll probably keep the inside ones in my linen closet downstairs. It's crazy how many linen closets I have in this house. There's one in my laundry room, one in the hallway by the kids' bathroom and one upstairs by the other bathroom. The only problem is that the house technically doesn't have a pantry, so I ended up using the linen closet by the kids' room as my pantry (it's right by the kitchen too).
Brian and I are also spending the weekend going through our closet and dressers. I went through my closet last night and switched out maternity clothes and regular clothes. Brian actually has more clothes than I do, because he doesn't get rid of anything, and I'm totally the person who donates clothes every season. So his shelf is a lot more scrunched than mine!
I went through the playroom this morning and packed up the toys the kids don't play with, so that made a bit of a difference. We both have lists of things we want to get done (including some gardening) this weekend, so I better run! Hopefully next time I blog my life will be a little more organized!

Friday, April 23, 2010
Show Us Your Life: How I Met My Husband

Newborn Wyatt
I was looking at some pictures of little newborn Wyatt this morning and felt compelled to share his cuteness. Other than his size, I don't think anything about him has changed since he was a baby. He looks just like a little miniature version of his three year old self. My favorite picture is the one of Noelle laying underneath his swing. When he first came home, Noelle was sure to be found underneath his swing or whatever else he was laying in. It's so sweet because even now we know how much he misses her. Everynight at bedtime he asks Brian to tell him a new story about Noelle. Fortunately, Brian has 15 years of stories to tell, so I'm pretty sure he won't run out anytime soon!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Busch Gardens!
As a sidenote, I can not wait until he's a teenager and I can wake him up every morning. At 5. Or 6. As torture.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Wyatt's Second Soccer Game!

Wyatt's First Soccer Game!
We didn't find out about the Y league until it was full, but we still put Wyatt on the waiting list and they were able to make a team out of the waiting list kids. We still didn't have any coaches when we got to the game, and since there were only 3 other parents at the team meeting, Brian was pretty sure there were only going to be three kids at the game. But they ended up with two dads (yes, Brian is one of them) and one mom to follow the kids around the field and make sure they're taking turns playing.

Friday, April 16, 2010
How Brian Found Out...
One day near the end of February I was sitting at my desk and I sneezed. And I felt some crazy ligament stretching when I did. One of my friends looked at me and said "Bless you," and then asked why I had an incredibly weird look on my face. I made up some silly reason, but I knew right then...I was pregnant. It was also incredibly too early for me to get any sort of accurate result from a Home Pregnancy Test, so I just put it off for a week. And the same symptoms came back. I didn't say anything, I just waited until I was off one Friday and went and got a test. I took it during snack time, but I waited to look at it. Because I already knew, I just wanted to be sure.
And it was positive! I didn't want to call Brian at work and tell him. I wanted to do something fun. Wyatt's pregnancy was a phone call. "Hey, I know our wedding is in two months, and I know I had my final fitting yesterday, but something's suddenly come up." When I was pregnant with Reese we were trying, and I kept the secret for 3 whole days before I told him on Christmas Eve.
Since Wyatt was (technically) the first person I told, I wanted to make sure the kids were involved this time. So I went out (My poor sister ran errands with me and waited in the car with the kids while I did all this and I didn't even tell her!) and got a picture frame with three openings, and I got a Big Sister shirt for Reese from Carter's. I put pictures of Brian and I with Wyatt when he was first born, and another of the two of us with Reese. Unfortunately, she's in her isolette in the NICU in the picture and we're just sitting next to her, but I wanted the whole "brand new baby" message to come across. I left the third picture opening blank to hopefully help him figure out that it was there for the new baby (I mean, he is a smart guy, so I didn't think he would need to be coached or anything).
We had my birthday dinner at my parents house that night and Brian met us there after work, so by the time we got home it was late and the kids were tired. I almost put off telling him until the next morning, but I didn't think I would be able to keep the secret that long, and I really wanted to involve Wyatt and Reese (hey, I know my limits). So we got home and I got Reese's new shirt on, and had Wyatt carry the picture frame. This is what happened...
The funny thing is that when the kids first walked up all Brian saw on Reese's shirt was the "sister." He said he didn't notice the "big" part. At least, not until he saw the frame and figured it out. It short because I couldn't record while he was giving me a hug, but we're both so happy and excited to have Gooey join our family! And we're taking a newborn to Disney, which in my opinion, will be significantly easier than going pregnant. We already took Reese at two and a half months, we're pros at this!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The "Big" Update

Easter Baskets
We really didn't do much Sunday morning (like I already said). The house was a mess from the party and new toys, and I was really tired (we'll get to that, I said I have a lot of updates). So we had low key Easter basket time that included Brian putting everything together around 9:30. Here is his handy work:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Anyway, I figured the most logical place to start would be Easter, since that's apparently the last time that I posted. Our Easter was actually pretty low key. I was exhausted from the party the day before, the kids woke up at 5:30, and we didn't really have anything to do that morning. Usually my Dad makes breakfast or something, but he was working. So I decided to make his traditional breakfast of biscuits and gravy , and I have to say that it was awesome. After breakfast I took a nap, and then the kids did.
We went to Brian's parents for an Easter Egg hunt, and the kids had a blast playing outside and looking for eggs. It was a beautiful day! Now before you see the pictures, know that it was Opening Day for the Yankees, and while I contemplated putting my kids in their nicest clothes so that they could run around and fall down, I instead chose to go with an Opening Day theme of Yankees shirts for the family. We all wore our Yankees shirts proudly, and were really surprised when we left and our neighbors were all out wearing their Red Sox shirts (all four of them) because in addition to being our mortal enemy, we were also playing the Sux that night.