It's time for Show Us Your Life Friday at
Kelly's Korner, so I figured I would join in this week for the "How I Met my Husband" tour.

Let's see. Brian and I didn't really have a"traditional" start to our relationship. We first met in 1998. At my very first job interview. He interviewed me to be a lifeguard, and I got the job. I went to work for him that summer, but didn't really ever talk to him! In fact, I'm pretty sure that he probably remembers nothing about me that summer. When he was moving offices years ago we found the post it where he jotted down notes during my interview. At least it was all nice! I never really talked to him that first year, so my only real memory of him that summer involves him beating a lifeguard stand with a tube to kill a wasp nest. Fun stuff.

I continued to work there, and I met a ton of great friends. I think that I probably had the best summer job ever (at the time) because the group of people around me was so fun. Once I graduated from high school and became a Lead Guard I started hanging out with everyone more often, going to parties and movies and out to eat after in-service. Usually Brian was there too, so we got to know each other better and became friends. He made (and still makes) me laugh all the time! I was on the competition team that he coached that summer, so we ended up taking an incredibly long ride to New York and then Canada. Our trip was never ending and we ended up in a car with Dave and two other friends who basically spent the entire ride making out. We advanced to nationals and went to San Antonio as well. So we spent a ton of time together that summer and found out that we had a ton of things in common. Before we knew it we were good friends.

I left for
college that fall and in the age of Instant Messenger Brian and I talked pretty much every day. My computer "mooed" whenever he signed on. We hung out on every visit home (and I was home a lot). We never really started "dating" we just talked a lot and hung out and were best friends, and then one day we were together. By the next summer I was in love! We went on another competition trip (to Atlanta this time) and followed it up with our very first trip away together to the NLCS in Atlanta that fall (followed by a World Series that we still no longer talk about). We just have the greatest time together. I honestly can't imagine my life without him! We don't have a real "anniversary" (you know, aside from our wedding), we just say we've been together 9 and half years, and usually use September as the date. So yes, that means that this September we will have been together for 10 years.
...And married for 4! On September 23, 2006 we got married and it was the happiest day of our lives! I am so thankful everyday that he is my husband and we have this great life together! I think the fact that we have always been friends and then just fell in love helped us develop this great relationship.
I totally wish I had a picture of us from 1998, or even 2002 (because there are a million), but you know, we didn't have digital cameras then and we still don't have a scanner! So the pictures are either from our 2005 cruise or our honeymoon cruise/Disney trip!

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