Monday, October 26, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A General Update
We've been anxiously watching the American League Championship Series! The Yankees are doing a great job for the most part, but we do think Joe Girardi is doing a terrible job managing the bullpen. That's a post for a different day though...
The weather this weekend was pretty terrible, but we were able to get out of the house a bit. On Friday Brian went to the KISS concert while the kids and I stayed home. Saturday we ran a lot of errands and also went to the cemetery to visit Noelle on her Sweet Sixteen birthday! We blew up balloons and sent them up to her in Heaven, and Wyatt was really excited to go to her "special place." We miss our precious puppy every day, but we still get so happy when Wyatt talks about her and says that he has a dog names "Noelley." We can't believe that it's been almost a year without her, but he still has crystal clear memories of her.
Sunday was a pajama day! We stayed inside and watched Toy Story, Everyone's Hero and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Wyatt is really loving Buzz Lightyear right now, so he was super excited to watch Toy Story for the first time. We also finally decided on Wyatt's Halloween costume. He is going to Yankee Irving from Everyone's Hero!
Reese's costume was decided months ago...she is going to be little Strawberry Shortcake. And old fashioned one, not the little risque costumes. What are people thinking with some of these costumes nowadays? Some of them are ridiculous. I think Reese is going to make a great Strawberry Shortcake though. I'm really excited for Halloween!

Monday, October 19, 2009
Technical Difficulties....
Anywho, tonight I am able to use the computer because my sister let me borrow her laptop out of the goodness of her heart so we could look at new houses online. I don't know when I'll be able to update again (okay, I'll probably do another one before she takes it back tomorrow), but I just wanted to let my few readers know I haven't disappeared or been kidnapped. I've just lost my lifeline until the Geeks give it back in 7-20 business days or something like that!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Baseball Lessons

Monday, October 12, 2009
Pumpkin Patch!
It's so different when you have little ones! Last year we went to a different pumpkin patch with the whole family, and we'll probably go to that one again over the next few weeks, but after the stomach bug last weekend and nothing but rain on Saturday, we were ready to get out of the house. In fact, we drove all the way to the Virginia Children's Fall Festival on Saturday, only to have it rain as soon as we got there!
The kids had a blast. It started off great for Wyatt because we brought the wagon for them to sit in. He told me he was going to sit in it and follow "parking lot rules" (that's what we call out in parking lots so he knows he has to be holding a hand of Mommy or Daddy at all times. I got that rule and a lot of other really great ideas from this book.), but then he was going to use the wagon to pull Reesie and his pumpkins.
Reese was not sure what to make of the pumpkin patch, but she still had a lot of fun! Her only little meltdown occurred because Wyatt had a juice cup and she did not, but that was corrected when she saw hers. She is obsessed with juice. If I have a cup in my hand, she will follow me around the house with her hand reached out saying "Duice, ease!" (juice please). When I make her a cup she looks up at me and says "Eeeeeease!" She's learning so much from us trying to teach Wyatt his manners!
There was so much to do there. We picked out pumpkins and then went to look at some animals, which resulted in Wyatt holding a snake. Yes, an actual snake that he asked to hold. There is also a petting zoo and a bunch of rides, but we skipped them. The petting zoo was packed (and $12!), and the rides are out of the question. With Brian working in the amusement industry, he just knows too much about carny rides to let the kids on them. And I know my Mom never let me ride them. Plus all I think about when I see them is that scene from The Sandlot where the kids puke all over the place. No thank you!
I didn't intentionally dress Reese to look like a pumpkin, I just wanted her to look "fallish." I should've thought that one out....

The Park!
Wyatt's favorite part of the trip to the park was watching the garbage trucks pick up the trash cans on the trip there. Once we got to the park though, he loved showing off his little independent streak. He loves to do everything on his own...except the swings. He hasn't mastered those yet!
Reese also had a really great time. I let her walk along the play structure for the first time (holding my hand of course), but I also let her go down the slide (the really, really short one that allows me to reach the top while I stand at the bottom). She loved it!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Playoffs!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
And on the Potty Training Front...
We keep one potty in the family room because it's a lot easier to get him to go when he doesn't need to be interrupted. This way he doesn't have to stop watching his show or drop his toys and come to the bathroom.
Like I said, he's doing a really great job, except telling us when it's time to go. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. He loves public bathrooms, and he loves peeing outside, so he definitely makes sure to tell us (and everyone else) when we're at Target and he has to go. Or when we're driving in the car. Brian's so good about pulling over and letting him just go in the grass....it must be a boy thing.
We were looking for an inexpensive way to reward him for telling us when he has go that would also be something that he would really like. Brian had the excellent idea of giving him baseball cards every time he tell us. Here's his collection.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Disinfection 101
1. I have now officially done about 1 bazillion loads of laundry. I washed new sheets after every nap and night of sleep, couch pillows, clothes, towels and washcloths, high chair covers, the blankets downstairs, and of course, Monkey. I am so over laundry that I probably won't do a load of laundry
2. Clorox Wipes are my new BFF(s?). Yeah, I've tried the Target brand, and they're nice, but they don't come out of the container easily. I have no time or patience for that. They've been used to wipe down crib rails, remote controls, the laptop, hand rails, high chairs, baby gates, handles, the kids books and a few toys. And doorknobs. Must remember door knobs.
3. Lysol is amazing. To spray down car seats, the couch, the door knobs again, mattresses, pillows again. Love everything about it. Except, you know, how it smells.
4. Bleach water. Pour a small amount of bleach into some hot water in the sink and then dump toys in it. Rinse them off and let them dry (my Shamwow's were amazing for this), and then return to the children. Little People take longer to dry because of the hole in the bottom, Mega Blocks are great, and every thing else worked fine as well.
I'm really hoping that all of this worked to keep my home disinfected. I noticed a couple snotty noses earlier, so I'm hoping I don't have to do this all over again....

Monday, October 5, 2009
Reese's Baby!
Last year for Christmas we got her a Cabbage Patch doll, but didn't give it to her. I think our intention was to take it back because we got her a different one that went with her stroller and horsie. Since we never took it back, and it was still wrapped in Christmas paper, we decided to give it to her today. She LOVES this baby. She was excited as soon as she saw it, and she loved holding it and giving it the bottle. I have a feeling we will have a few more baby dolls around this house soon...

Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Stomach Bug
The kids and I had a good day on Thursday. We went to get Wyatt's hair cut, we came home and played, and then we had spaghetti and chicken parmesan for dinner. Wyatt didn't really eat anything, but Reese loved it and ate every bite!
She started shaking while I was cleaning her off, so I took her to the ER. She was a perfect baby for the entire 3 hour experience. Mostly she laid on me or rested her head on my shoulder. The doctor said she just had a bug or an infection and gave her an anti-nauseau medicine. It worked like a charm! She was drinking within the hour and sent home. We went to fill the prescription at 12:30 am, and then I brought her home and put her to bed. The boys were still awake. We gave Wyatt a dose so that we could all get some sleep.
She recovered by Friday morning, but he was still fighting it on Saturday. As long as he took the medicine, he's as happy as a clam. He read, watched TV, and even ran around.
Here's what they look like when they're not sick...

Friday, October 2, 2009
Wyatt's Half Birthday!
I made the same half birthday cake as last year (look at the pictures), but I'm honestly too embarrassed to show off this year's cake because it was a hot mess. Somewhere in the midst of finding out that someone was coming to look at our house on Thursday and having to go pick my groceries up from Harris Teeter (such a good deal with kids. You can just order online and go pick up your groceries at the store. They bring them to your car and everything. I just didn't realize that it would take a few hours and they'd be ready in the middle of dinner), I just kind of let the cake get out of control. It was still half a cake, even if it was in pieces.....