Yesterday was a pretty busy day. Brian woke up early and took my car to get inspected and get the oil changed at the dealership (I'm committed to keeping this car on its maintenance schedule). He then had to stop to look for a last minute costume piece for Wyatt (we wanted a beanie in case it got cold), and then had to pick up Noelle's dog food from the vet. As soon as he got home I had to get the kids loaded up in the car to take them to a Halloween party at work.
We went to the party at work where Wyatt was shy for a little bit, but then had fun with balloons and people playing with him. We came home and I learned that I had left the camera at work so I went back to get it (I was SO frustrated). After Wyatt woke up from his nap we had a big trip to make. Brian and I have been trying to get up to the NICU for the past few weeks to drop off some Reese's Cups and some brownies with a thank you card. We wanted to make sure we let the Doctors and Nurses there know how much we appreciate everything they did for our little girl during her 11 day stay. It was hard for Brian and I to make the walk back up to the NICU because it brought back a lot of rough memories, but it was much easier having Reese with us. Fortunately one of her nurses was there when we got there, so she was able to visit and say hello and comment on how big Reese has gotten and how chubby her little cheeks are! She said that they'll have a NICU reunion this summer for us to take Reese to. I really just have to say that the staff there is the best! A lot of people think that because we have a local Children's Hospital that they're the only option for great medical care for babies (and they are great!), but we were pleasantly surprised to find out how great the staff at our hospital is too!
We came home for a quick stop to pick up my infant carrier for trick or treating and the trick or treat bags. Unfortunately it turned into a long stop when I stupidly locked the keys in the house! Brian was able to get in about 15 minutes later and we made our way to my parents' house for some trick or treating action!
Wyatt got in his costume and went to the door the first time my parents' doorbell rang. And he was frightened by Spiderman. Like, screaming, crying frightened. He actually told Spiderman "Walk...go," trying to tell the kid to go away! I could tell we were in for a fun night. He was resistant to trick or treating at first, but his mood got better. Mainly because of two things. Doorbells and dogs.
My parents' neighbors were sitting in their court and they were playing fetch with their dog while handing out candy. Wyatt saw the dog and immediately got excited. He wanted to pet the dog, and since it was a very nice Golden Retriever, we let him. He would have stayed there forever. At the next house Brian let Wyatt push the "button." It became Wyatt's new favorite thing to do...until that Spiderman kid showed up. Screaming ensued. Fortunately Spidey's parents took him along a different path so Wyatt would stop screaming. At the next house Wyatt got to ring the doorbell and pet a brand new little puppy. He loved it. The lady was so nice because she just sat there and held it while Wyatt visited with the puppy. More houses, more dogs. And then a kitty. Brian and Wyatt spent a good chunk of time petting the cat. At the next house Wyatt rang the doorbell and my mom's friend came to the door. Wyatt then grabbed her screen door and tried to force himself in the house saying "Doggy?" She laughed at him, but said she didn't have any doggies. After we passed another set of kids that made Wyatt scream we decided to go back to my parents' house. We figured one court of candy was enough!
All in all it was a decent trick or treating experience for Wyatt. This costume thing just scares me a little. I'm worried about our trip to see Santa. Our annual Christmas card picture might be in jeopardy.....
Halloween bags
The first dog he parents' Halloween decoration
Reese and I
Walking with Daddy
Ringing a doorbell
Crying because of Spiderman
Petting the little puppy
Petting Cuddles the kitten
Staring at a Haunted House across the street
Wyatt and Reese
Reese in her costume
Finishing the night of with a song